A Short Little Post for My Birthday (2023)

Blog Post No. 547

20230429_122744My birthday happened over the weekend and because of the new job, I had the day off. Not that one of the perks is that I get my birthday off. I just get the same days off every week and my birthday happened to fall on one of those days. I didn’t do anything special that day. It’s just a nice little coincidence. In fact, I got up early to meet with Christian and get some writing done. Now that I’m on a bit of a roll with that, I don’t want to slip up for something as unimportant as a birthday. (I need all the meeting days I can get to keep me moving forward).

Not to say I didn’t do any celebrating. I just happened to do the family stuff a week early because of scheduling conflicts. But, at this stage of my life, the actual day or week don’t make that much of a difference. As long as I can eat some of that delicious cake and spend some quality time with the family. In the end, what else is a birthday for? As a kid, it’s exciting because (while the life of a child tends to be a pretty easy one) it’s always nice to have a day that’s specifically set aside to be about you.

Now that I’m middle aged, I’m less interested in being the center of attention and more eager to spend time catching up on sleep rather than celebrating (anything). But, it’s still nice to have people think of you, and even if it’s only because social media reminded them.

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