Basement Follies

Blog No. 89

July is coming to an end, which comes to a surprise every time. I know that it is bound to happen, I just don’t seem to be ready for it. The year is more than half over. Crazy. On a good note, Adventure Worlds had its most views ever in July. It’s a nice feeling, seeing your hard work start to make a mark. If only I was getting the same kind of views on this blog. I think I’m going to have to come up with a strategy for that some time in the future. In the mean time, my writing is moving along quite well. I’m going to give Christian another shout out for that. He’s helped me stay on track (and hopefully I’ve helped him too). You should give his blog a look:, there have been some big changes. Even though I’ve been keeping up on my writing, there are distractions (or more specifically, roadblocks) that are sending me for a loop. Continue reading “Basement Follies”